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У статті обґрунтовано проблеми державного стратегічного планування в Україні. Сфор- мульовано основні засади політики у сфері розбудови державності. Досліджено зарубіжний досвід побудови довгострокових державних стратегій.

Ключові слова: стратегічне планування, державна стратегія, державне стратегічне планування.

В статье обоснованы проблемы государственного стратегического планирования. Сформулированы основы политики в сфере построения государственности. Исследован за- рубежный опыт построения долгосрочных государственных стратегий.

Ключевые слова: стратегическое планирование, государственная стратегия, государ- ственное стратегическое планирование.

In the article are reasonable the problems of the state strategic planning in Ukraine. Basic principles of politics are set in the field of development of the state system. Auther is investigational foreign experience of construction of long-term state strategies. Strategic planning - a heuristic activity associated with uncertain area of research, since beyond the immediate boundaries of the known facts and relationships. The aim of the article is to study the problems of state strategic planning in Ukraine. Analysis and evaluation of the environment is the process by which developers of the strategic plan for controlling external factors to identify opportunities and threats to the organization. Evaluation of the environment occurs in three ways: all the possible changes due to external factors; threatening factors, predisposing factors. The implementation of public policies carried out by the construction and implementation of government programs. State Program is a set of related tasks and activities that are aimed at solving the most important problems of the state, some sectors of the economy or administrative units. Law “On State Forecasting and development programs of economic and social development” approved only in the medium and short term. This means that there is no regulatory document that defines the main principles of strategic long-term planning. State strategic planning process in Ukraine has significant flaws that can be divided into two groups: external (global) and inward (local). The first are common to all target applications regardless of the level of management at which they are sold. The second set of problems relates directly to the process of developing and managing targeted programs. Today in Ukraine is not experienced in a long-term strategic planning and effective implementation of the national strategic programs.

Key words: strategic planning, state strategy, state strategic planning.

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