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У статті проаналізовано нормативно-правову базу у сфері страхування сільськогосподарської продукції в Україні та визначено конкретні заходи щодо поліпшення правового підґрунтя у цій сфері. Запропоновано організаційно-правовий механізм реалізації державної політики у сфері страхування сільськогосподарської продукції в Україні.

Ключові слова: державна політика, нормативно-правове забезпечення, організаційно-правовий механізм, страхування, сільськогосподарська продукція

В статье проанализирована нормативно-правововая база в сфере страхования сельско-хозяйственной продукции в Украине и определены конкретные меры по улучшению правовой основы в этой сфере. Предложен организационно-правовой механизм реализации государственной политики в сфере страхования сельскохозяйственной продукции в Украине.

Ключевые слова: государственная политика, нормативно-правовое обеспечение, организационно-правовой механизм, страхование, сельскохозяйственная продукция.

In the article presents the analysis of legal and regulatory providing in the insurance industry of agricultural products in Ukraine and identifies specific measures to improve the legal framework in this area. Also invited to the organizational and legal mechanism for the implementation of public policy in the field of insurance of agricultural products in Ukraine. Having analyzed provisions of the existing legal and regulatory frame work was stated that it solves the problems government regulation of insurance of agricultural production only partially. Therefore, further development of legislative and regulatory base provides for the development and the adoption of several legislative acts that develop agricultural insurance legislation of Ukraine. The organizational and legal mechanism for implementing the state policy in the field of agricultural insurance products, which reflects the following key conditions - kinds and the terms of insurance, terms and conditions of state aid, procedure for independent examination of losses in agriculture, rules of formation and use of of insurance reserves, training system specialists and procedure for information work.. Components of organizational and legal mechanism for implementing the policy of insurance of agricultural products in Ukraine provides for the introduction of such documents as:

– Law of Ukraine “On Insurance of agricultural products”;

– Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring additional conditions financial sustainability of agricultural insurance”;

– Resolution of On Approving the Procedure and conditions of government support agricultural insurance;

– Order On approval standard rules of insurance of agricultural products;

– Order On approval of rules the formation and placement of insurance reserves;

– Order On improvement of scientific and methodical and the informational business of insurance of agricultural products;

– Order On the approving an action plan of the insurance information provision agricultural products;

– Procedure for conducting insurance companies preliminary assessment the risk;

– Standard conducting the independent valuation of damage.

Consequently, authors suggest the ways improvement of normative and legal support insurance of agricultural production in Ukraine have provided to the author be concluded about what formation and development of legal basis for should match the content of and objectives of public policy in this area and provide for the interests of all participants insurance.

Key words: public policy, regulatory and legal providing, organizational and legal mechanism, insurance, agricultural products.

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