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У статті висвітлено важливість сімейної політики в умовах розвитку соціальної держави; проаналізовано понятійно-категоріальний апарат сімейної політики та нормативно-правове поле її реалізації в сучасній Україні; з’ясовано вплив процесів реформування на особливості формування сімейної політики, визначено основні напрями її вдосконалення.

Ключові слова: сім’я, сімейна політика, соціальна політика, державне управління, реформи, механізми реалізації

В освещена важность семейной политики в условиях развития социального государства; проанализирован понятийно-категориальный аппарат семейной политики и нормативно-правовое поле её реализации в современной Украине; установлено влияние процессов реформирования на особенности формирования семейной политики и определены основные направления ее совершенствования.

Ключевые слова: семья, семейная политика, социальная политика, государственное управление, реформы, механизмы реализации

Arabadgi E. National family policy in Ukraine in terms of social reform This article examines the importance of family policy in the development of the welfare state. The author analyzes the conceptual and categorical apparatus of family policy and legal framework for its implementation in modern Ukraine, found the impact of reforms on the features of the formation of family policy and the main areas of improvement. Currently in Ukraine there is no single legal framework of the national family policy, the legal status of the family is not defined. It is characterized as a social institution, which is governed by the law. Ukraine’s family policy is more passive than active; the term “family policy” is almost never used in government documents. This study confirms the relevance of the research and its actuality. The article defines the term “family” which is the main category of the family policy. The family is the fundamental principle of human individuality and unique life-world that is characterized by independence and autonomy, in which the process of human reproduction, education of children, their socialization, adaptation to local and national community are included. According to a broad understanding of family policy, government policy relats to the well-being of the family. This policy deals with pensioners, employment policy and family law, and social services, and education and health care. In other words, everything what the government realises affects the family this or that way and could be potentially applied to the sphere of family policy. Thus, the family policy can be defined as the activity of government and other actors aimed to strengthen or change family relationships, family as a social phenomenon. It spreads political ideology on family values. Priorities of family policy are in legislation, programs, concepts, aimed to build a social state in Ukraine, protect the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Key words: family, family policy, social policy, public administration reform, implementation mechanisms.

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