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У статті розглянуто принципи й методи формування іміджу країни у просторі соціокультурних комунікацій світової спільноти.

Ключові слова: держава, імідж, інформація, комунікація, країна, маркетинг, простір, маркетингові комунікації, маркетинг територій, соціокультурні комунікації

В статье рассмотрены принципы и методы формирования имиджа страны в пространстве социокультурных коммуникаций мирового сообщества.

Ключевые слова: государство, имидж, информация, коммуникация, страна, маркетинг, пространство, маркетинговые коммуникации, маркетинг территорий, социокультурные коммуникации

The article dwells on the principles and methods of building a country’s image within the context of socio-cultural communications of the global community. Issues of imagology are so far represented in the field of national scientific research by a limited number of theoretical papers. In particular, this concerns theoretical and practical studies on the country’s image. The reason is that this area of study is relatively new for local scientific schools and it developed primarily in the context of building an image of an individual, a personality, a leader, etc. Imagology as a science focused on building an image that draws the public attention to particularly positive traits of character, actions, behavior, leadership, business and other qualities of a person, which are different from those of other persons in the same area of activities. The image of countries, firms, organizations, territories, parties, etc. began to be treated separately only in the early 20th century. Imagology as a science emerged on the basis of image making practices, and the idea of imagology was proposed by M. Kundera. By the way, translators into Ukrainian did not take into account some grammar rules of this language and kept the term ‘imagology’ unchanged even in dictionaries and encyclopedias. The theoretical foundations of modern-day imagology were laid in the last quarter of the 20th century, and it started to develop rapidly in the early 1990s. Image making is an old profession and its goals and objectives have changed with the development of humankind. Among its originators were such famous philosophers as Aristotle, Confucius, Plato and other great minds of the ancient world. However, many modern researchers from different countries such as L. Brown, P. Gurevych, A. Kovalchuk, A. Pelykh, point out that if imagology as a science had not emerged and developed, image making would never have become a profession of our time. Marketing of a country’s image is a form of non-commercial activity but is an indirect result of the country’s economic activity. At the same time, it is an effect of utilizing geographical, geophysical, geopolitical, financial, technical and technological, and human resources outside of the country. Development of effective image-making programs is an example of how to successfully utilize the capabilities of internal resources in external relations and to simultaneously engage external economic, financial and culturological potentials for the benefit of the country.

Key words: state, image, information, communication, country, marketing, space, marketing communications, marketing areas, socio-cultural communication.

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