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У статті здійснено теоретичний аналіз інституту місцевих бюджетів та їх ролі в соціально-економічному розвитку регіонів. Розглянуто побудову системи міжбюджетних відносин в Україні.

Ключові слова: місцеві бюджети, місцеві органи влади, фінансовий механізм, міжбюджетні відносини, соціально-економічний розвиток регіонів.

В статье проведен теоретический анализ института местных бюджетов и их роль в социально-экономическом развитии регионов. Рассмотрено построение системы межбю- джетных отношений в Украине.

Ключевые слова: местные бюджеты, местные органы власти, финансовый механизм, межбюджетные отношения, социально-экономическое развитие регионов.

In this paper the theoretical analysis of the institute of local budgets and their role in socioeconomic development of regions. We consider the structure of intergovernmental relations. The main feature of a democratic society is the responsibility of state and local authorities to ensure socio- economic development, including regional. According to the principle of subsidiarity, the purpose of the fullest satisfaction of the needs of public authorities should be close to every citizen. In this regard, important is the transfer of authority and related responsibility for regional development from central government to regional and local governments. One of the main tools of such power is the financial mechanism and budget. However, so far in Ukraine failed to solve the problem using the budget as an instrument of active influence on economic processes at the regional level, incentives for business development, attracting investment into the region’s economy, the priority of the depressed and problem areas. The budget is an effective tool in the hands of both central and local governments, through which they can promote the development of social and economic processes in the country in general and in specific areas in particular. So budget mechanism should be built in such a way that, firstly, to provide an opportunity to local authorities actively influencing the development of subordinate areas, and secondly, serve as an active instrument of government liquidation disproportion in socio-economic development.

Key words: local governments, local authorities, financial mechanism, intergovernmental relations, socio-economic development of regions.

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