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У статті розглянуто дієвість організаційно-функціонального механізму державного управління системою надання соціальних послуг. Досліджено соціальну складову розвитку суспільних відносин і визначено перспективи розвитку держави та її інституцій.

Ключові слова: соціальна політика, соціальні функції держави, соціальні послуги, державна політика, соціальне забезпечення, функції державного управління, механізми державного управління.

В статье рассмотрено действенность организационно-функционального механизма государственного управления системой предоставления социальных услуг. Исследовано социальную составляющую развития общественных отношений и определены перспективы развития государства и его институтов.

Ключевые слова: социальная политика, социальные функции государства, социальные услуги, государственная политика, социальное обеспечение, функции государственного управления, механизмы государственного управления

Review of the effectiveness of the organisational mechanism of state management system of social services. Studied social component of development of social relations and the prospects of development of the state and its institutions. Results of the analysis allowed to propose classification, which extends the classification previously proposed by other researchers. Extended classification takes into account the current trends of practical cooperation in these sectors of the economy and the necessary arrangements for the formation of an effective mechanism of governance in the provision of social services at this stage. The extended classification was created to expose and eliminate duplicate functions and for the organization of tangible structural changes. They must be carried out by adopting a phased package of diverse activities that focus on a single goal, and are based on a common understanding of the problems and the general activities of the different participants in the system. Taking into account the importance of the provision of social services and poor knowledge of the scientific literature on this topic, in terms of continuing social reforms, the issue of critical analysis of the current organizational and functional mechanism of government provision of social services is extremely important. The improvement of theoretical and methodological fundamentals of the proposed algorithm are given for the formation and implementation of the mechanism at the regional level. It is based on the strategic planning and direction of reform actions. The social component of the development of public relations was investigated. The development prospects for the state and its institutions were defined.

Key words: socialpolicy, social functions of state, social services, public policy, social security, state management, state management mechanisms.

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