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У статті розглянуто основні принципи, методи, інструменти комплексного механізму державного регулювання підприємницької діяльності та визначено напрями їх удосконалення.

Ключові слова: підприємництво, підприємницька діяльність, державне регулювання, механізм державного регулювання підприємницької діяльності.

В статье рассмотрены основные принципы, методы, инструменты комплексного механизма государственного регулирования предпринимательской деятельности и определены направления их усовершенствования.

Ключевые слова: предпринимательство, предпринимательская деятельность, государственное регулирование, механизм государственного регулирования предпринимательской деятельности

Important structure-forming factor for sustainable development of business is the creation of mechanisms of state regulation and coordination, in conditions of which are fulfilled, the inherent economic functions, including fair include: innovation; social damping and growth of incomes of the company; counteract monopolism and the development of competition; the streamlining of the branch structure of the economy and other The state, performing a particular function, affects the social processes through specific mechanisms, even though some of the resistance of the people. This mechanism is a unity of methods and principles of implementation of this function, as well as a number of means for its enforcement, legal, organizational, economic, technological, information, etc. The basic element is the definition of “mechanism”. This concept was borrowed by humanitarian students in mechanics and in General is a system of links, which makes the movement of one of the links on the necessary movement of other, there are the input and output level. The concept of a control mechanism was studied quite thoroughly by scientists, but for today, among the scientists there is no consensus regarding the definition of the mechanism of state management” and its constituent elements. As the analysis of the scientific literature, the management mechanism is considered from the point of view of social and state management. On a mechanism of state management there are several approaches. The state develops a mechanism of support of innovative activity of small enterprises. Incentives for innovation, efficiency, favorable investment climate, financing opportunities of the knowledge-intensive production and transfer of high technologies is determined by the price level, size of Bank interest, the size and structure of demand for innovation, the rate of return, which, in turn, influence the character and dynamics of development of the small innovative enterprises. Thus, under the complex mechanism of state regulation and support of entrepreneurial activity, we offer you to understand a set of interrelated elements, tools and methods of organization and action, which provides the functioning of the system of state support of entrepreneurship. The complex mechanism of macroeconomic regulation of small business is a complex system. Its purpose is to ensure the implementation of the advantages of small business in the economy of the country and contribute to its optimal development. Their aim is to compensate for the negative influence of various microeconomic and macroeconomic factors on the development of small business. This is the only system designed to ensure normal development and functioning of small business in the competitive environment and secure its place in the economic system of the country. By its nature a small business needs support. It is necessary to attract financial means, to use the information structure, to expand the network of marketing services, pay attention to the training of qualified personnel and other Small enterprises need support because they have low level of diversification of production, small share capital and resources; management here is relatively underdeveloped and very sensitive to changes in market conditions. Of particular importance is the development of small business in the countries of post-Soviet economy: here it is an important tool for overcoming unemployment and the formation of entrepreneurial skills. But it is here on his way raises many obstacles: the high level of corruption, the mistakes made during the reform, the difficulty of transformation in General and other Thus, the support of small business should be one of the important directions of state economic policy. In this connection it is necessary to improve the methods and tools of the legislative, Executive and Supervisory measures of macroeconomic regulation of small business. The only way to achieve stabilization and further development of the entire economy.

Key words: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, state regulation, the mechanism of state regulation of entrepreneurial activity

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