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У статті подано комплексний аналіз місця та ролі молодіжних громадських об’єднань у державотворчих процесах, а також досліджено вплив молодіжних інституцій на євроінтеграційні процеси в Україні.

Ключові слова: молодіжна громадська організація, державна політика, європейські стандарти, молодіжні об’єднання, громадська організація, групи інтересів

В статье представлен комплексный анализ места и роли молодежных общественных объединений в процессах, а также исследовано влияние молодежных институтов на евроинтеграционные процессы в Украине.

Ключевые слова: молодежная общественная организация, государственная политика, европейские стандарты, молодежные объединения, общественная организация, группы интересов

This article examines an integrated analysis of the youth social organisations place and role in the state building process in Ukraine. European experience proves that the most effective form of the society self-organisation is the citizens association, whose activities allow solving all kinds of problems. At all stages of the society development, especially in the period of crisis, social organisations take an active role, directing the citizen’s energy to creative activity and thereby reducing the social pressure. The growth of the number of social organisations changes into much more qualitative form that is the emergence of consolidated public movement that covers almost all spheres of social life. The relevance of the investigation is that the straightforward relations between government and youth social organisations in the context of the new political system establishment in Ukraine appear to be the core of the research investigation. The participation of the political authoritative institutions and youth social organisations in the state policy implementation that promotes to its institutionalization inasmuch transforms this political phenomenon into formal, well-ordered process that gives possibility to make forecast and defines both current and strategic objectives of the Ukrainian striving for the European integration. The process of problem solving of interaction between youth social organisations and state that presently is forming appears as the part of the overall perspective determing of the social development and the European integration tendency of Ukraine. It is worth mentioning that without active, youth social organisation involvement in the state policy realization the European integration process cannot be effectively implemented in Ukraine. By means of influence increasing of youth social organisation on authoritative institutions, state policy will become more flexible, maneuverable and it will transform faster into European Community.

Key words: social youth organisation, state policy, European standards, social organisation, citizens association, interest group

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