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У статті висвітлено новітні проблеми трансформації підходів в умовах публічного адміні- стрування, досліджено напрями розроблення механізмів удосконалення прийняття управлін- ських рішень. Запропоновано розділити підходи до вдосконалення існуючих механізмів прий- няття управлінських рішень в умовах публічного адміністрування на три підгрупи. Доведено, що потрібен чіткий механізм прийняття управлінських рішень в умовах публічного адмініс- трування, за допомогою якого можна детально висвітлити якість, новаторство запропоно- ваних ідей, соціально-економічну ефективність рішень, що приймаються на різних рівнях та гілках влади.

Ключові слова: управління, процес державного управління, державно-управлінські рішення, публічне адміністрування, механізми прийняття управлінських рішень

В статье представлены новейшие проблемы трансформации подходов в условиях публи- чного администрирования, исследованы направления разработки механизмов совершенст- вования принятия управленческих решений. Предложено разделить подходы к усовершенство- ванию существующих механизмов принятия управленческих решений в условиях публичного ад- министрирования на три подгруппы. Доказано, что нужен четкий механизм принятия управлен- ческих решений в условиях публичного администрирования, с помощью которого можно деталь- но представить качество, новаторство предложенных идей, социально-экономическую эффек- тивность решений, которые принимаются на разных уровнях и ветках власти.

Ключевые слова: управление, процесс государственного управления, государственно- управленческие решения, публичное администрирование, механизмы принятия управленчес- ких решений.

In the article an author lights up the newest problems of transformation of approaches in the conditions of public administration, probes directions of development of mechanisms of improvement of acceptance of administrative decisions. It is suggested to divide going near the improvement of existent mechanisms of acceptance of administrative decisions in the conditions of public administration on three sub-groups. It is well-proven that the clear mechanism of acceptance of administrative decisions is needed in the conditions of public administration, by which it is possible in detail to light up quality, innovation of the offered ideas, socio-economic efficiency of decisions which are accepted on different levels and branches of power. The personal, public administration foresees activity of universal mechanism of acceptance of administrative decisions in the conditions. In fact achievement of dominating efficiency and quality of type of administrative activity is opened out in the increase of efficiency and quality of the administrative providing of such activity, exactly setting of norms of conduct of subjects and objects of management, which takes a place after an assistance a mechanism acceptance of administrative decisions, capable co-ordination and purposefulness there to practice, is orientated on satisfaction of social requirements and personal interests which passionless exists on the certain period of social development. It is well-proven in the article, that going near the improvement of existent mechanisms of acceptance of administrative decisions it is possible in the conditions of public administration, on the whole, to divide into three sub-groups:

1. It is accepted decisions in the conditions of public administration, which carry intuitional character cleanly. As a rule, it is a choice, based on feeling of that a decision is correct. Person which makes a decision not engaged in here the conscious weighing “pro and con” on every alternative and understanding of situation does not require even.

2. Decisions which are based on concepts in the conditions of public administration. It, as a rule, a choice, based on knowledges or present experience. Sometimes such decisions seem irresponsible, as conformity to the law them not obvious. A man utillizes knowledge about that which took a place in similar situations before in an order to foresee investigation of alternative varieties of choice in an existent situation. Alluding to good sense, he chooses an alternative which brought achievement to of that time. Сoncepts, as basis of organizational decision usefully, because a lot of situations in organizations have a tendency to the frequent reiteration. Making a decision in the conditions of public administration has the advantages such method, such as speed and cheapness and others like that. However, there is a serious problem, when this method is not fully used: in such cases, when organization runs into a fully new problem, as for a leader experience fully absents on this issue.

3. Rational decisions are in the conditions of public administration. It most complete class of decision-making methods, because he engulfs both previous classes. Drawn a conclusion, that a place is important in approaches of improvement of existent mechanisms of acceptance of administrative decisions in the conditions of public administration occupy models. Models help persons, which make a decision to build the credible future, predict him and give him an estimation.

Key words: administration, process of public administration, managerial decision, public administration, the mechanism of decision-making.

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