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У статті розкрито основні елементи економіко-правового механізму державного регулювання земельних відносин та визначено напрями підвищення ефективності його функціонування.

Ключові слова: економіко-правовий механізм, державне регулювання земельних відносин, плата за землю, цільове використання коштів, орендна плата, податкові пільги, іпотечне кредитування.

В статье раскрыты основные элементы экономико-правового механизма государственного регулирования земельных отношений и определены направления повышения эффективности его функционирования.

Ключевые слова: экономико-правовой механизм, государственное регулирование земельных отношений, плата за землю, целевое использование средств, арендная плата, налоговые льготы, ипотечное кредитование.

In the article the description to the basic elements of economic-legal mechanism of the state adjusting of the landed relations is given and the directions of increase of efficiency of his functioning are offered.

Determined that the main elements of the economic mechanism include: establishing differentiated payments for land; economic incentives for sustainable land tenure and land use and economic sanctions on Wasteful relationship to the land, reducing soil fertility; economic protection from removal of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes; investment and fiscal policy.

The main disadvantages of functioning of economic and legal mechanism for regulation of land relations are deteriorating annual financing of land relations; imperfect legal support lease relations; lack of incentives for rational land use and protection in areas providing tax and credit incentives, regulation principles compensation in land conservation, undeveloped mechanism for charging and charged against loss of agricultural and forestry production, limited use of land in the mortgage market capital of Ukraine.

To overcome these problems need to: legislate the use of funds from the proceeds of the land tax for the realization of economic incentives for sustainable land use; approve standard lease of land subject to their classifications; approve the terms of funds from local budgets to stimulate any improvement of land; Improve conservation lands towards providing tax incentives to land owners, which are in the process of improving their status in accordance with national and regional programs; include compensation for “losses” of agricultural and forestry production to the tax system; finalize the legal mortgage terms agricultural sector.

Key words: economic-legal mechanism of the state adjusting of the landed relations, pay for earth, having a special purpose use of tools, rent, tax deductions, mortgage crediting.

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