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У статті проаналізовано сутність і проблеми формування та функціонування механізму державного регулювання, розглянуто тенденції розвитку його структури. Сформульовано зміст регіонального механізму управління, наведено принципи формування, комплекс регіональних завдань. Запропоновано пріоритетні напрями діяльності щодо вдосконалення державного управління соціально-економічним розвитком регіону.

Ключові слова: механізм державного регулювання, структура, соціально-економічний розвиток, регіональна структура управління.

В статье проанализированы сущность и проблемы формирования и функционирования механизма государственного регулирования, рассмотрены тенденции развития его структуры. Сформулировано содержание регионального механизма управления, приведены принципы формирования, комплекс региональных задач. Предложены приоритетные направления деятельности по совершенствованию государственного управления социально-экономическим развитием региона.

Ключевые слова: механизм государственного регулирования, структура, социальноэкономическое развитие, региональная структура управления.

The article analyzes the nature and the problems of formation and functioning of the mechanism of state regulation, trends in the development of its structure are discussed. Regional content management mechanism is formulated, the principles of formation of complex regional problems are given. The priority areas for action to improve governance of socio-economic development of the region are proposed.

The essence of government regulation consists of various forms (price and non-price) and methods (direct and indirect), through which the state conducts regional policy, promotes development and socio-economic processes. Regional policy is actually the basis for the transformation of the structure of state actors in territorial aspect. Implementation in practice is usually done in the following areas: installation of reconciling the interests of the “center-region” with organizational and legal issues; governance imperative region in certain areas, in accordance with national interests; implementation of industrial projects in the region; develop their own comprehensive policy.

Consequently, regional policy is a mechanism in the hands of state regulation of economic, social, political and environmental development of the regions. With this understanding of regional policy management entity is the state represented by regional authorities, as well as specialized institutions authorized to regulate the development of business entities at the state level.

The state regulation should be considered at the sectoral and regional levels. Serious obstacles to the state regulatory policy and support economic initiatives at the regional level can be irrational conservatism and extensive management systems that have been established before. The existence of such danger shows that the mechanism of state regulation and support are very complex and multifunctional, its use should be optimized.

The consideration of the trends of structure mechanism of sustainable development of the region allowed to deepen the content of some basic concepts of regional management associations (organizational and socio-economic components of regional management mechanism, the content of vertical and horizontal integration of business, etc.). Selected elements can identify the main areas for improvement of sustainable development of the region, whose boundaries do not coincide with the administrative and territorial division.

Speaking of areas for further research can give clear and capacious task: improving public administration, certain components of its mechanism, aimed at creating a new standard of living both regionally and across the country.

Key words: state regulation mechanism, structure, socio-economic development, regional management structure.

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