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У статті розглянуто основні засади, принципи, методи та механізми державного регулювання соціальної відповідальності бізнесу.

Ключові слова: державне регулювання соціальної відповідальності бізнесу, методи державного регулювання, механізми державного регулювання, соціальна відповідальність бізнесу.

В статье рассмотрены основные предпосылки, принципы, методы и механизмы государственного регулирования социальной ответственности бизнеса.

Ключевые слова: государственное регулирование социальной ответственности бизнеса, методы государственного регулирования, механизмы государственного регулирования, социальная ответственность бизнеса.

The article defines corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a complex of interrelations and relationships arising between business entities and civil society institutions and the state, aimed at identifying and filling gaps in relations between companies and society, as well as the conversion of existing problems in public life and the environment into opportunities for business.

To the issues of social responsibility of business, such scientists as N. Voloskovets, R. Voloshin, H. Halchak, A. Grishnova, N. Didenko, A. Ryreeva L. Kozin, A. Kolot, S. Miller, A. Merzlyakov, E. Morozov, A. Ryzhko, T. Samofalov, V. Shapoval, H. Schur, etc. have dedicated their works.

The components of corporate social responsibility (organizational management, human rights, labor relations, ethical operating activities, environmental protection, consumer rights protection, community development, and cooperation with them) are considered.

The principles of state regulation of social responsibility of Ukrainian business are identified. It is established that state regulation of corporate social responsibility is carried out basing on certain principles, such as: normative-and-legal, social, economic, axiological, etc. Among the principles of state regulation of social responsibility normative-and-legal, that is, international documents ratified by Ukraine, the provisions of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine regulating the relationships of the parties and promoting the development of social responsibility are highlighted. To the methods of state regulation of CSR belong: legal, administrative, organizational, economic and social.

It is proved that government regulation of CSR can be seen through the action of certain mechanisms, among which as the main ones are recognized organizational-and-legal, economic, motivational, informational-and-analytical and others.

Thus, the mechanism of state regulation of CSR is defined as a set of measures and special institutions which has a defined structure, methods and means of influencing the object of management with the appropriate legal, regulatory and information provision, designed for the practical implementation of state influence on social relations to achieve a set of goals for the development of social responsibility.

The tools and methods of state influence on socially responsible business are investigated. Based on the findings of the World Bank experts, the sequence of actions regarding the formation of mechanisms of corporate social responsibility is proposed.

Key words: government regulation of corporate social responsibility, methods of state regulation, mechanisms of regulation, corporate social responsibility.

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