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У статті висвітлено особливості соціальної політики в сучасних державах в умовах глобалізаційних процесів, можливості застосування політичного маркетингу в розвитку Української держави. Проаналізовано поняття “соціальна політика”, “вирішення політичних конфліктів”. Розглянуто політичні передумови та чинники внутрішньополітичних стратегій України, проблеми реалізації політичних стратегій залежно від моделей демократизації.

Ключові слова: ефективність, соціальна політика, соціалізація, соціалізаційна ефективність політичних систем, соціальна держава, соціальна модель соціальної політики, політичний маркетинг.

В статье освещены особенности социальной политики в современных государствах в условиях глобализационных процессов, возможности применения политического маркетинка в развитии украинского государства. Проанализированы понятия “социальная политика”, “разрешение политических конфликтов”. Рассмотрены политические предпосылки и факторы политических стратегий Украины, проблемы реализации политических стратегий в зависимости от моделей демократизации.

Ключевые слова: эффективность, социальная политика, социализация, социализационная
эффективность политических систем, модель социальной политики, политический маркетинг.

The article is about following aspects: political еffectiveness of social politics upon conditions of market transition: problème of socialization of économie development. The term „social dimension” introduced into the scholar language a few years ago has embraced all the social problems as well as the theory and practice of social planning. The social integration not only joins the general process but becomes the priority of the 21st century capable of becoming a connecting link of all aspects of the integration, moreover, of influencing their efficiency and progressive development.

Effectiveness of the social policy defines the deepening of theoretical and methodical, as s well as organizational basis of their regulation mechanisms’ development on the ground of social responsibility’s increasing and providing a social stability at the state’s, society’s and individual’s level.

The criterion for the social policy’s effectiveness is increasing of the state’s, business’s and individual’s social responsibility for population’s and state’s immunity to social perturbation, change of social and economic development factors, social safety.

The criterion for the effectiveness of the conservative, social and democratic, as well as liberal models of a social state is providing of a social safety for the whole society and an individual, which is implemented through social policy of the state and regions, directed to the realization of interconnected protection and development functions.

Factors of social policy effectiveness are, for example, individual wellbeing’s level, educational and professional level, health state, age category, general culture level, psychophysiological characteristics, individual values and life priorities system.

The criterion for the effectiveness is the social partnership’s level of state administration bodies, of business structures and of local self-administration bodies, which are including: keeping of the leading state’s role in the providing and assurance of all citizen’s rights; wide implementation of state function as a mediate in the social dialogue; increasing of business’s social responsibility and business structures’ interest in the solution of territory social problems; realization by the local self-administration functions of implementation of competences (own and delegated by the state) of population’s social security, of will expression’s factor and citizen’s rights’ realization, of unifying idea as a factor of selforganization and increase of population’s social activity and social responsibility; formation of new social model of partners interaction for overcoming of taking an individual out of the social life

Key words: social state, social policy, social partnership, democratic political regime, legal state, liberal state, social democracy.

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