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У статті досліджено заходи щодо посилення соціального захисту населення, які пов’язані з ефективним функціонуванням галузі охорони здоров’я. Запропоновано організаційну структуру системи медичної допомоги. З’ясовано чинники, що зумовлюють нерівність у доступі до послуг охорони здоров’я.

Ключові слова: охорона здоров’я, ефективність, модернізація, медичне обслуговування, чинники, соціально-економічна політика.

В статье исследованы меры по усилению социальной защиты населения, связанные с эффективным функционированием здравоохранения. Предложена организационная структура системы медицинской помощи. Выяснены факторы, обусловливающие неравенство в доступе к услугам здравоохранения.

Ключевые слова: здравоохранение, эффективность, модернизация, медицинское обслуживание, факторы, социально-экономическая политика.

The article study measures to strengthen social protection related to the effective functioning of the health sector. The organizational structure of the healthcare system. Elucidated the factors that contribute to inequality in access to health services.

The transition of the health system in Ukraine is accompanied by a new quality of large-scale systemic changes the management of the sector, aimed at ensuring the coherence of mechanisms for the implementation of key system functions - protection of public health. Efficiency upgrading health depends on the use of modern methods of branch management, which is built on the principles of strategic management and includes a set of targeted policy documents that implement a national policy on demographics, health, improving accessibility and quality of care. Since independence, Ukraine theoretical and practical aspects of health care have been the object of active research local scientists.

Of primary importance is the problem solving inequalities in health care provision to vulnerable households with certain financial protection from excessive expenses in case of illness. Such measures may include: vouchers for drugs (as for the purchase of drugs account for the largest share of expenditures related to OOP) tax exemptions for non-medical facilities that provide free medical services to more than a basic amount of vulnerable individuals; concessional loans to the treatment or recovery.

In general, enhance social protection and promote the introduction of mandatory health insurance to preserve and improve the free basic health care system and the formation mechanisms of redistribution of funds received from paid services in the health sector, to finance emergency care.

The effective functioning of health is impossible without its proper funding. However, simply increasing public spending on health care will not increase the effectiveness of its funding no real reform of the sector and improved methods of management.

Key words: health, efficiency, modernization, health care, factors, socio-economic policy.

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